April 23, 2010

Everyone's An Outsider

my story starts here. for latecomers arriving now, i offer a few words chosen at random: ”three weeks earlier”, “a pile of money”, “an english class”, “a house by the river”, “a romantic girl”. 
there is an ocean of indifference between us. this isnt your first lie either is it? now i am your accomplice. sometimes things are best hidden when in full view of everyone. its not only your looks but your happiness too. a minute of silence can be a long time…empires crumble but fools go on…
now is the time for a digression in which to describe our heros feelings
is the world becoming a dream or is the dream becoming a world? people on the train always look so sad and lonely. you long to believe in blue skies…its a feeling i know quite well. i am just the same as you. hurry up, death is too good for you! the WORLD is crumbling around me, cant you see it? isnt it strange how people never form a whole? they never come together. stay tuned…
(images from google and youtube)

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