April 23, 2010

How Ironic, How Iconic.

fascination, admiration, and love…i knew my life line was broken…but nothing was ever as it seemed. there was always hope. 
i’m a genius didn’t you know? i’m also the boss but i still need you. 
accept me. encourage me. let me know that you expect me to be different. i know new york was more fun with me in it, and i leave only good wishes behind. you said “superstar” and they said “it girl” but GENIUS is my word. it was too hard to sit still and nothing ever felt real. i just wanted a simple answer to a simple question. DO YOU LOVE ME? never mind that…HOW do you love me? 
now the whole world could blow up. i’ve got everyone on a string in a reality of my own creation, however this documentary ends quite sadly. ”a story of a pretty doe eyed waif in the city…but what a pity…her heart couldn’t possibly have been more empty. no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she cried, she simply could not get off of the roller coaster ride that was her actual life.” you heard it all before, so there is my door…go blow up up and away with the rest of them. i’ve cut your string. ”I’M THE BOSS APPLE SAUCE”.
OK. now direct me. tell me what to do. come on. i asked for it. sometimes things just get completely out of control, out of everyones control, and this was one of those times. my crimes were only meant to hurt me. i could tell you i am sorry…that we are meant to be…i know you would agree, and just can’t watch you make the biggest mistake of your life. i will always mess up and i will always lie. i will never care as much as you want me to but that’s not what would bother you. the truth is the world is so much better from a distance. my detachment comes with a price you cannot afford. 
…linger on
(image from google)

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