May 15, 2010

Hunter's House of YES

I'll always remember that Chanel suit, pillbox hat, blood on my dress...everybody remembers that day, as seen from the front lawn. I just think that everything in the white house sould be the best. Don't test me, help me masking tape the windows. A person gets lectured for ony trying. I'm just dying to be here with you.
I don't want a comb I want a brush! Combs straighten your hair and I want it to GLEAM! I have to find my hairbrush...just do something in some other location. What adjective would you use to describe me? Do you think I'm pretty? A word, or many words? A person can die a slow death from being snipped at for years...and LOVE is what the subject is NOT. Men don't marry girls who smell like powdered sugar. Are you trying to push your sister over the edge? YES, I'm getting dramatic. It would be better if you had nothing to's just that we've never had a guest before. I spend most of my days with my head in a toilet bowl. 
Are you saving yourself for marriage? You know, blood on the sheets, all that? Talk about glamourous. We all have our secrets you know. Where's JAckie O? She's reading assassination books.
Isn't there enough? I used to be green, but now I'm brown. I wanted pills that matched my eyes. You lie to much. I went to a lot of trouble to get sane so you can't just leave now. All the good stuff happened before I was born.
Isn't that the prettiest ice cube you've ever seen? It used to be bigger...GOOD EVENING! Is that an evening dress? It certainly looks like an evening dress. Were you poor? Did you eat chicken pot pie? Do they even have paintings in Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania's just this state that gets in the way when you have to go somewhere else. Let's drink rum and pepsi out of styrofoam cups. Bring me some's not the same, I''m not talking about temperature I'm talking about TEXTURE. I suppose you think I'm going insane just to be fashionable. People buy matches, but not people like us.
Conversation only gets you into trouble, take it from one who knows. I'll be up be lousy in bed you actually have to BE in bed...when he gets to hold her coat his heart falls into a million pieces on the floor. He ADORES her. Stop playing the familial concern game, it's declasee. You want somebody for a very long time and then you have them. Don;t be bourgeois, your moral outrage is duly noted.
Sounds painful...guess where I am, I'm in a box and I can't get out. I dont recognize the past tense. I see other houses and they aren't like ours. What did you want to talk to me about? Mental diseases? Do I have a fever? Either it's warm in here or I'm warm because I'm sitting next to you. Can I just hold your hand? Tell me something, anything. Doing it with two brothers is like incest. Alright. Let's go for five. Ready? GO!
You don't know how to be a human being. I'd sit under your window, watch you put on your makeup and watch you cry it off. I was making you crazy.
Heels, stockings with the seams, follow the be him and i'll be her. don't go, you might see something. The storm must be going into the eye, that's the best part...the radio was on, the TV was on...and I'm on. Didn't I tell you not to go?! You have to be with someone for a while before you let them really look at you. You're brothers, but you're different. A mother doesn't spy, a mother pays attention and you're just a symbol, well...not anymore. People raise cattle, children just happen. Leave now with your symbology in tact...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
How exciting. Don't you find life to be exciting...gun like, gunesque, gunonic? If you leave again I'll implode but don't worry mom, I won't bloody the carpets. My, you're up early, why are you wearing that costume? Don't assume you know what's going on. What jumped over the moon? Was it a cow or a horse You don't deserve her...that thing with the gun, that costume, what exactly are you doing sweetheart? I'm fine, really. I just got turned around for a second. I haven't had my coffee yet, I haven't even gone to the bathroom. Talk me back, tell me about Sundays...when we don't wake up til after 11. 
The backyard is getting crowded with corpses, first daddys now duck babies. One more time, that's all I ask...then you can go back to the land of the donut kings. A close family like ours needs to stick together. Where are we now? I'm tired of this...stop it.

April 24, 2010

Who Are You?

Now darling, you turn, hover for a moment, then fly off...but just once. She's MAGnifique and she wears it well, brilliant but uncomfortable. You put her wings too high, lower them...women re-imagined for the nuclear age. You don't just create, you galvanize, and I'm galvanized...I also have GREAT plans.
He doesn't eat and he doesn't sleep because of THAT GIRL. His happiness depends on the twirling of her hair.
Now? Who am I? When I was young I was very ugly. A dentist wanted two thousand dollars to fix my teeth. That was too much so I leave my mouth open like Pat. Pat was my rabbit. He died. You want to know who I am? Sometimes I wonder myself. People take my picture. People take my picture every day, and every time they take my picture there's a little less of me left. So what will be left of me in the end? I'd like to know. It's a game about fame, just a game others help me play, help me WIN...a masquerade. I wouldn't trade places with anyone.
The cutie didn't say much, just's how she is, but the surface IS reality too. If she's hiding behind a mask pull it off. What do you find? Just another mask, and another. For me THAT GIRL doesn't even exist. All those girls are unhappy. You'll find the truth beneath the make up, just a young lady in Texas...a girl who married a PRINCE. You have to be careful with princes, but she was a real PRINCESS.
"You're still the little girl from Brooklyn." Fashion was once for the rich but now its just for teenagers...androgynous little red riding hoods and itty bitty women. Fashion is about money and illusion, to sell and dupe people, it is powerful magic...a mirror of fantasies. Are you scared? NO. I must confess that when I look back on my life I see one dress of shirred fabric with little sky blue ruffles. It was charming. People watch movies too closely, you know.
One two three, it's ME! Personal diary, today I learned one expression, one proverb, and three new words. I did fine on TV. It was easy. What else is new? I learned a French dance, "paso doblo". This morning, I bathed and put on perfume. It's perfect. I smell like chocolate all over. I read in the paper that the demands of fashion are more rigorous than those of philisophy. 
(take one) Very calmly, ready? Once you're queen you'll never need to walk. FETISHISM, MUTILATION, SUFFERING. Fashion in a nutshell. The Erotic nature of the sport is, above all, EROTIC. DIVINE. Tell me, who creates fashion?
(take two) Ladies, act like we're not here. This is merely an illusion. Did you find out who I am? YES. The lunarian type. A large, pale, round face with soft cheeks, and round, blue, prominent eyes. Your expression, at first glance indecisive, reveals frequent flashes of intelligence. Your turned up nose denotes falsity, vanity, extravagance and fickleness. You walk like a sailor. Everything means SOMETHING and you're always posing.
What plant would you like to be? What work of art? Historic figure? Inferiority and castration complexes...both characteristics of narcissism, frigidity, and fear of gaining weight. Spinach and carrots? ROCKETS! Most complexes resolve themselves on their own as sublimation takes full effect. Like fashion. Fashion endures because it changes. What doesn't change dies. What's NOT crazy about you? It's stupid putting on make up, dressing up, staring in the mirror. They play with you like you're a doll. FINE. You're a doll. It's still stupid. Stare in the mirror all day and you'll become a monster. 
Is your face round? Everything round is beautiful. Rearrange the lights and shadows yourself. You have NO idea how important your expression is. Be careful, your eyes speak VOLUMES. In just a wink they've said it all. Goodbye, razor.
March two three four, march two three four. Her eyes should go BEEP BEEP. She's a rocket that goes BEEP BEEP. Goodbye, rocket...BEEP BEEP. Your life is a masquerade. You have no heart, you are a pain in the ass and you failed every test but I love you and always have. You have a telegram, from the Prince of Solitude. 
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Some towns are built of marble, some are built on schemes. Nowhere is truly free, even if the streets are paved with gold. Preservation of freedom does not come cheap, however, I remember a before. You need to be in equilibrium in order to freshen up the scene. It's a scene of unusual talents that eventually changed the world. It's the ideological capital of the world. Welcome to Hollywood. Any art form is a love affair with yourself. You're beautiful. You have won the heart of all Hollywood. Am I wrong or is everyone else wrong? You name it, I'll provide it. I'm still searching for an image that will set the world on fire. Do you appreiate REAL beauty? Anything goes here. 
If you see too much, hear too much, know too start suffering. Everything is a starbright sight. Everything bores me to death. The only thing I find interesting is myself. When I was on acid I looked at every color crayon and I loved them. The artist must go too far so that everyone else will go far enough. This is your brain reviewing its storage units. How can you reenter in a manner that will be beneficial to the life you are living. It's the last wave of the day. I just always want to have fun. You can run away if you must. It;s only lost for me...all blurring into one image, one house. Can't you see all the pretty boys are wrong for me? It's not really real and it's not really imaginary. It's SUPER REAL.

Hard Candy

Does my face lie? I can't live with all these conditions. Good things are worth the wait, but what are you waiting for? This is the only way I can be true to myself. Bow down and worship me now because four out of five times I'll break your heart. You are a big deal aren't you? Well not here, not to me. Be open, be honest. Why do I have to get tied up first? Play time is it's time to wake up. Don't tell me this isn't for you. This...this is nothing. You're into momentos, now take off my clothes. I tried to make it sound as innocent and moronic as possible. The things you do wrong, they haunt you. It's the whole nature vs. nurture concept. Was I born this way or did society make me this way or did society make me this way? I can't do this in broad daylight and I can tell that you're getting bored. I'll do anything. You're not laughing are you? Well I guess this isn't a laughing matter. I'm officially crazy...just saying. I will get you every time. What I do is a crime but you don't seem to mind just yet. How soon do you think you can be here? Don't piss me off right now. You could have gotten away and you didn't.
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If someone saves your life, they will love you'll belong to them. That's my favorite part. A constant care facility. You're too weak, too ordinary. That ceiling was once covered with angels you know. You're MINE. Say it. You have an enormous capacity for love you know. You move in perfect sync with my heart. We are all in prison but at least the zoo animals can see THEIR bars.
Haven't we suffered enough? Why am I keeping myself numb? Can YOU show me how to walk away? It's all I've ever make you happy. I want to do something GOOD instead of trying to NOT do something BAD. I'm sorry but you trigger my abandonment issues. Stop putting me on a pedestal. Once you've had me you'll leave. When did I first loose my way? When was it that I went astray? Jump start my memory for me. I need to see where it all went wrong. How long can I be loved this way, without you loving me back? I'm not lost, I'm a pioneer...overcoming my fears, beacause there's nothing worth having that doesn't come with a risk. I'm not crazy either. I'm just working a few things out. I know I've failed you, but please stay by me. The world tells us who we are, no matter what we decide so let's just JUMP IN.
(image from google)

La Nina Santa

She doesn't know how to breathe. The voice will always call you and one should always be awake for the call...never loosing hope...but tonight she doesn't know how to breathe. You can't confuse ugliness with beauty or happiness with horror...she was SHAKING like she had epilepsy because she was using too much hotel shampoo. Is it true that this voice will call you?
autiful music in her head, like a harp, but only after dark. This room is's like a grave. I'm always the last to hear about the mystical roses or the tower of David, tower of ivory...the tower of YOU and ME. What time is it now, she's finally awake! My eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart, my whole yours, all yours. Two of the red dots, they have a yellow rim that gradually disappears.
White seems so much whiter, however, don't talk to me. I will attend this conversation as a listener. It's too cold here in the winter. I will take this call if it KILLS ME, regardless, it will be a BEAUTIFUL FALL. Someday i'll poison you. I'd rather suffer in this world than have a soul. There's just too many questions without answers. Most people don't really hear things until they've been shown them in films they like. Give me wealth or poverty, consolation or despair. Can't you hear me? Can you hear my voice? It's a voice of an angel, JUST LIKE HEAVEN. Don't cry, you're just filling your eyes with microbes. This isn't a hotel and he can't resist. He got me into this mess and then disappeared. I don't think I can even open my eyes. I've got the gift of learning and now I've earned my right to teach, DO NOT PREACH to me, just pay attention to me. Do you understand my emergency? Sometimes when you're asleep you stop breathing for a few could suffocate. Sixty five-seventy five-are you sure? I just wanted to tell you something...Nevermind.
You're a good man. You wouldn't be doing this if you knew what I do. Make it go away, make it smell pretty again. Swim beside me, like this, liss me, like that, whatever you do just make it MYSTICAL.

April 23, 2010

Everyone's An Outsider

my story starts here. for latecomers arriving now, i offer a few words chosen at random: ”three weeks earlier”, “a pile of money”, “an english class”, “a house by the river”, “a romantic girl”. 
there is an ocean of indifference between us. this isnt your first lie either is it? now i am your accomplice. sometimes things are best hidden when in full view of everyone. its not only your looks but your happiness too. a minute of silence can be a long time…empires crumble but fools go on…
now is the time for a digression in which to describe our heros feelings
is the world becoming a dream or is the dream becoming a world? people on the train always look so sad and lonely. you long to believe in blue skies…its a feeling i know quite well. i am just the same as you. hurry up, death is too good for you! the WORLD is crumbling around me, cant you see it? isnt it strange how people never form a whole? they never come together. stay tuned…
(images from google and youtube)

Through A Glass Darkly

Why should women always decide? My bathrobe is thinner than yours and there is a bit of a breeze. Look at these clouds, are you afraid of thunder? I don’t know, maybe it’s the electric shock therapy.
Don’t be MAD because I laughed at you. I’ve become the anchor of your existence and I can’t see a thing…its like walking on CLOUDS. I cannot speak to just anyone even though I am dead. What IS life to an artist? I face the moment of ultimate perfection…when oblivion shall own me and only death shall love me…but such is life. You have such kind fingers but your thumb looks rather stubborn. Sometimes we are defenseless but I’m not worried at all. Do I seem strange to you? You’re so kind and I’m so horrid.
I’m horrified by my curiosity.
I’ve been up for ages and had all kinds of odd experiences. You sleep to much, it makes you a know it all. Even though all you do is RIGHT, it always ends up WRONG. I walk through these walls like foliage because your callousness is perverse…you’re always on the hunt for new subjects. The half lies you speak of are SO refined that they look like the truth. You’re empty but cleaver. From the void within me something was born that I cannot touch. I can’t live in two worlds anymore, I have to choose. I see my confusion, yet, I understand it all too. One draws a magic circle around oneself to keep all bad things out, however, we are forced to live in reality you and me. You look so conspicuous sitting there. I have seen GOD and he was a SPIDER.
REALITY BURST OPEN, and now anything can happen.

8 1/2

YOU! Come down…Yes, definitely down! Suspend all treatment for two days. These senseless episodes lack a total sense of poetic imagination. You look a little pale, do you want a sandwich? Make it darker and then come in…no…more like a whore. We’ve talked so little amongst ourselves and I have so many questions to ask you. I’d have liked it differently. You always need a little dignity, it’s what we’re used to. I need to talk to you in private. This orgy of brutal realism…this mad mad world…I can’t. I’m so anxious to understand the woman I’m playing. Come along! Let us welcome in the spring time together. Can you create something meaningful and true on demand? Great! Private thoughts are sacred, I understand, I just dont know how to say it…
You can’t fool me. You’re NOT asleep. I can tell if you’re faking. Don’t sleep. This is the night that the picture moves its eyes!
Why are you looking at me like that? Your compliments sound like insults…why must you torture me? I’m just as fierce in life as I am in love…that’s why I’m alone. That German girl you wanted is in Paris with the circus. Keep it a secret but watch out. You’re not the man you used to be.
A lack on inspiration? Uninspired? What am I looking for? You’ve grown up surrounded by classical art and beauty. You’re right to laugh. Make it darker. Change the color. Do it softer…I’ve come here to never leave again. You leave me alone all the time. You mix sex and spiritual love too easy and in the process you’ve corrupted my soul. Listen…Doesn’t it sound like sobbing?
Shame on you. It’s a mortal sin. I can’t believe it. What a shame…what a pain. It’s just another episode of your childhood memories. You want to show the confusion that man has within himself…just be sure that what interests you interests everyone. What is it? Attention please! Why should we be happy? We were not put on this earth to be happy. It is not our task…”There is no salvation outside our church”.
What a DARLING you are. Does being alone agree with you? You’d have to be crazy to listen to the director. In MY picture EVERYTHING happens. I’m putting it all in. I really had nothing to say but I wanted to say it just the same. The spirit always says the same thing. I says that you are FREE. Why did you want me to come here tonight? She’s definitely an ARIES. A perfect match for a weak passive man with no clear ideas of his own. One who talks exactly as if he were telling the truth. Instead just be honest and dance with me. I thought this would be amusing to you, an amusing situation…telling the truth without hurting anyone…It’s nice living all together like this. At first I didn’t understand.
Could you choose one thing and remain faithful to it? I want to posses everything, devour everything. You could be my salvation but I won’t know it because I don’t know how to love. I’ve never filmed a love story. What an incurable romantic. WHY are you RUNNING! Why add mess to the clutter? It’s better to destroy than to create what’s unessential. Why piece together these memories of people I never knew how to love? Accept me as I am if you can…and the memories will go on, and on, and on…everybody hold hands! Now that verything is right, goodnight!

Juliet of the Spirits

Candles? I liked the blonde better. I’m sick of this dress! THROW IT OUT. Just light the candles and hang that charm against spirits here. Do you have any paprika? Have you found your conquering angel?? You’re so mysterious not even my cards can read you. Come feel Juliet’s vibes, she looks like a DOLL tonight. Don’t you see? It has to be this way, and lying is so much more heroic. Spirit, do you with to be known? You don’t mean a thing to anyone…hold it…don’t break the chain…it’s a shame when adults play such games. Beautiful day isn’t it? I’d like to FLY into the arms of my beauty!
Set the table right away, while it’s still bright…while we still have daylight. Beaches and bonnets…it’s an Italian sonnet (in technicolor). I could close my eyes and see balls in beautiful colors…I was afraid. Still, it was beautiful. It went on for years and then nothing. I just had to close my eyes and…Nothing’s better for tooth aches than making, NEVERMIND. What a vision! You may not be acquainted but I’d like to be. Our dear Juliet sees magic EVERYWHERE, it’s in the air. Please help me because it concerns you, or isn’t it true? I didn’t day a thing. What’s the matter you ask? Just look at you.
Never mind. Ladies and gentlemen goodnight. What did you say, Darling? Ciao little star. You misunderstood…no one should be too proud. My heart aches because it is all to beautiful…I’m useless but this clairvoyant can change your life. Miss it and you’ll regret it! Things WILL become things again. To be happy you must behave as if in combat. Love is a religion, Juliet and you are the priestess of the cult.
Answer honestly, am I beautiful? If I’m in a bad mood I look in the mirror. SwiNG SwING become beautiful like ME. We shouldn’t appeal to our inner forces without proper preparation. It could be dangerous but something new and beautiful will come tonight. Me? One of the devils’ own? Flowers are grateful when loved…only calculated spontaneity will defeat the monster. Goodnight little monster! When I was a child I imagined God hiding behind a door, always closed. I don’t care about the clemency you offer me but for the salvation of my soul.
Fetishism? Eat, Dance, Pray, Fight. I love fighting. The more you wonder the more you loose your way. The only way to truly love is to know each other. Perception and reality are two different things so see this with some detachment…an hour spent with me might kill you. I find games utterly boring like always asking for water when you want something pure. The truth will always set you free, you hear me? It’s a mistake to be too involved in all your problems. All is peaceful, all is quiet, but you’re not…why? In truth, your only fear is to be happy again. Here everything is silent and gray.

400 Blows

Go stand in the corner and i will count to three. How else did you think this would be? Recess is a reward not a right…boys will be boys, magazines will fall from the sky and we will all be punished unfairly. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I’ve known idiots before but at least they were polite. If someone would just hold me tight, pretend i’m alright. Set the table for three…you, me, and the absentee. I was once beautiful you know…don’t make me mad, I need to be handled gently. There is a time and a place for everything so stop playing the clown. Our evening has ended, goodnight ladies and gentlemen.
Can you feel the gravity? It has me climbing up the walls and I feel I could fall at any time. Set the table for two tonight. I will no longer stay where I am not wanted. I’ll send you a letter after I disappear, and one day I’ll come back and we can discuss all that has happened. Until then I’ll take what I need, repress what I want, and become who I am.
Eureka I have found it! If birds of a feather flock together why can’t we? Set the table for one, It’s all over now…I was caught.
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Hello Out Takes!

you talk about everything except what i really want to know. what do you do? what do you want more than anything in the whole world? do you want to build a flying saucer with me? i just want to be happy, or has that time passed? did i miss it?
bad karma and mind torture. your ideas are all the same. no one cares what happens to themselves anymore.
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What Is The Opposite...

...of sex? Towels marked his and hers? Sorry, you won’t find that here. I have a fucked heart but I’m used to it. I’m different…there’s a part of me that wants a part of you. I almost feel bad but I have my reasons. I could be your blessing in disguise, your number one prize, but SURPRISE…I’m not. Remember what I told you about my heart? It won’t love you. It can’t love you. It hates people and it would rather be alone. I want to grow a garden. I dare you to stop me, get on top of me…actually, don’t. My heart won’t even feel a thing. Evil loves to follow me and I need you to just let me be alone. This goes beyond sex, beyond that stairway to heaven. I have a death wish and this life is so lonely. Just forget about me. I can’t give you my biological hi-lighter and i’ll NEVER look for you in a crowded room. You’re doomed if you stand by me. It’s not worth it, really…can’t you see? I never was the same again after that Summer
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How Ironic, How Iconic.

fascination, admiration, and love…i knew my life line was broken…but nothing was ever as it seemed. there was always hope. 
i’m a genius didn’t you know? i’m also the boss but i still need you. 
accept me. encourage me. let me know that you expect me to be different. i know new york was more fun with me in it, and i leave only good wishes behind. you said “superstar” and they said “it girl” but GENIUS is my word. it was too hard to sit still and nothing ever felt real. i just wanted a simple answer to a simple question. DO YOU LOVE ME? never mind that…HOW do you love me? 
now the whole world could blow up. i’ve got everyone on a string in a reality of my own creation, however this documentary ends quite sadly. ”a story of a pretty doe eyed waif in the city…but what a pity…her heart couldn’t possibly have been more empty. no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she cried, she simply could not get off of the roller coaster ride that was her actual life.” you heard it all before, so there is my door…go blow up up and away with the rest of them. i’ve cut your string. ”I’M THE BOSS APPLE SAUCE”.
OK. now direct me. tell me what to do. come on. i asked for it. sometimes things just get completely out of control, out of everyones control, and this was one of those times. my crimes were only meant to hurt me. i could tell you i am sorry…that we are meant to be…i know you would agree, and just can’t watch you make the biggest mistake of your life. i will always mess up and i will always lie. i will never care as much as you want me to but that’s not what would bother you. the truth is the world is so much better from a distance. my detachment comes with a price you cannot afford. 
…linger on
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All memories are traces of tears and I fear that you are getting closer. There’s a reason we pronounced this game between us as over, remember? Indirect rejection, the search for absolute perfection, love, and affection…I HAD to leave quickly! One is a very familiar number to birds that can never land. You wouldn’t even hold my hand. Do you like me or not? Come closer, into my artificial world where only I can leave as I please. Feelings, like calendar days, can creep up on you. Your little android is fading fast so hurry up and let out those secrets. Is this ending too sad for you? Love is all a matter of timing so let me borrow you for tonight. In 2046 nothing changes, nothing is true…it’s just me, you, and our memories…a sugar coated reality.